Carnell landed their fourth RoSPA President’s Award for Health & Safety as a result of achieving their thirteenth consecutive RoSPA Gold Award.
The prestigious annual awards are for health and safety performance across the previous year. On being notified of the official result, SHEQ Director Danny Pitcher, said: “This achievement is down to everyone in Carnell – The SHEQ team alone cannot win a RoSPA Award. Health and safety excellence is something that requires commitment from our site teams, office staff and managers which has to be reinforced down to our supply chain too. I would like to thank you all personally for making safety your number one priority, which ensures that you and your colleagues get home safe and well at the end of each day.”
In response, Managing Director Andrew Sharp, commented: “A fantastic achievement, well done to the whole team in achieving this milestone, a reflection of our Be SAFE culture.”
Julia Small, RoSPA’s Achievements Director, said: “I would like to add my personal thanks for all the work that it has taken to secure this well-deserved award – congratulations to all those involved, who champion and drive up Health and Safety standards every day. You are a fantastic example to others in your sector.”