A healthy work life balance

We insist that everyone adheres to sensible working hours to maintain a healthy work life balance and encourage them to look after their mind, body and soul. We want to leave a responsible legacy in the community in which we operate, and we demand the same of our supply chain.

Health & Wellbeing

Your Support Services

Our Employee Assistance Programme ‘Health Assured’, is available to all Carnell employees and their immediate family. This service includes 24/7 confidential support, where the call will be handled by an experienced therapist or advisor. It also includes an online portal which offers webinars, four-week programmes, health checks and fitness/nutritional advice.
“We believe that our partnership with Health Assured is a great enhancement, and source of advice for issues from physical health and wellbeing, mental health counselling, and advice on the general stresses and strains of life such as divorce, debt and legal problems.”

Andrew Sharp – Managing Director


We are proud to announce that we are now an accredited Living Wage Employer. This means that we pay all of our directly employed staff a Living Wage. In addition, we have gone above what is required, by demonstrating that this includes our regular sub-contracted staff as well. The current rate is significantly more than the government’s minimum wage and reflects the extraordinary rises to the cost of living over the last year.

Katherine Chapman, Director, Living Wage Foundation said: “We’re delighted that Carnell has joined the movement of almost 11,000 responsible employers across the UK who voluntarily commit to go further than the government minimum to make sure all their staff earn enough to live on.


Carnell have encouraged employees to speak out against inappropriate or unsafe behaviour in the workplace for many years, and we have maintained a policy that protects ‘whistleblowers’ from any adverse impact from reporting incidents.

If you have any concerns about how a colleague is being treated or about how a colleague is treating others – report it to your line manager, or speak to a senior manager, or call Safecall on 0800 915 1571 – a totally independent company who will, if you wish, guarantee your anonymity.

In partnership with SafeCall, Carnell have now gone a step further, and ensured that reporting any such incidents can now be done anonymously.

Carnell in the Community

Social value is the contribution Carnell make to the economy and the environment, while supporting the education, health and wellbeing of its people and the communities in which we work. 

Delivering Social Value is not only the right thing to do, but it is what our clients expect. Giving back to the local communities in which we work supports these same communities to grow and prosper. Whether that’s utilising local SMEs for our materials, reducing our carbon emissions in our fleet, promoting the physical and mental wellbeing of our staff and those we come into contact with or being an employer of choice for a highly skilled and diverse workforce.

Carnell have been recognised and accredited the Social Value Quality Mark via Social Value Business. To support our accreditation, we have made pledges to lead and direct our Social Value activity.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion are cornerstones of a fair working environment that promotes respect and dignity in the workplace. Carnell goes beyond it’s legal obligations and cascades these principles through recruitment, and customer service to everything else it does on a daily basis.

We also refer to EDI as FIR (Fairness, Inclusion & Respect) but the two terms share similar attributes.

Carnell is committed to providing equal opportunities in employment and creating a work environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. Carnell has an Equal Opportunity and Dignity at Work Policy to assist in putting this commitment into practice. FIR has many benefits for Carnell as a business, creating a safer environment for individuals to work in, which improves productivity and engagement.
fairNESS, inclusiON & respect

Let’s knock all types of discrimination on the head.

Whatever our similarities or differences, we want every person at Carnell to be respected and treated fairly, so that we all feel included, safe and supported to do the very best job we can. Don’t allow personal opinions to influence your judgment. Report unacceptable behaviour.

Gender Pay Gap Reporting

The company has been required to compile and submit its gender pay gap report for a number of years. The latest report, and those from previous years, can be found below.

Modern Slavery

We consider any form of slavery and human trafficking to be abhorrent and are committed to acting with integrity and appropriate transparency in our business dealings.

The firm is committed to the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility and ethical conduct. We are also committed to developing effective systems and controls to safeguard against any form of slavery or human trafficking occurring within our organisation or in our supply chains.

If you have any concerns surrounding the practice, contact the National Modern Slavery Helpline on 08000 121 700

Menopause Pledge

Here at Carnell, we pledge to support menopause and help alleviate the associated challenges to ensure our employees feel valued and understood. Supporting our employees through menopause not only enhances their well-being but helps us promote a positive workplace culture.

Disability Confident

Disability Confident provides employers with the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to attract, recruit, retain and develop disabled people in the workplace. This helps us to recruit and retain from the widest possible pool of talent and keep valuable skills and experience. Our Level 1 certification (DCS037928) runs until March 2026.