Multiple units can work in tandem in single closure.
Linear metres covered by each unit.
Any filter drain can be recycled to required depth.
Recycles drains in verge or central reserve.
Advanced GPR surveys identify filter drain condition
Stabilisation applied to drain during the recycling process.
StoneMaster is a unique in-situ method for removing the sediment within roadside filter drains. The process returns the filter drain media to its optimum condition, improving road safety and pavement integrity by reducing flooding events and occasions of standing water on the carriageway.
The StoneMaster units are custom built, self-contained vehicles that enables us to meet all site safety requirements. They can be operated during the day or night in virtually all weather conditions and in most carriageway locations without the need for road closures.
The process is sustainable in that it recycles existing material and minimises the volume of additional material that has to be quarried and transported to site, thus significantly reducing the number of vehicle movements to and from site. Multiple units can work in the same TM closure for even greater savings and efficiencies.
Carnell’s 6 StoneMaster machines have operated in all the National Highways Areas and Scottish Operating Units, Welsh TRAs and most DBFO contracts. A number of Local Authorities have also utilised the innovative process.
of roadside filter drain recycled by StoneMaster, in the last 5 years, on the strategic road network. That’s the same volume as 106 Olympic sized swimming pools.
generated in the last 5 years by StoneMaster. The recycling process reduces the volume of new filter stone required and reduces haulage costs. (When compared to a traditional excavate and replace solution)
lorry movements removed from site, in the last 5 years. Reducing the number of roadworkers killed and seriously injured from the people-plant risk.
miles of HGV movements removed from our roads in the last 5 years. That’s the same as travelling 56 times around the World... saving over 300,000 litres of diesel!
in lorry journeys to and from site. Minimising congestion for customers by recycling filter media in-situ.
of CO2 saved for every kilometre of filter drain recycled By reducing aggregate production and transportation to site.
The advantages of StoneMaster align with the three National Highways imperatives:
> Higher use of virgin aggregate
> Higher disposal/transport costs
> Higher landfill costs
> 4x the volume of HGV movement
> More HGVs exiting closure
> Increased stone scatter hazard
> Invasive trial hole excavations
We imagineer tomorrow today
All rights reserved © 2015 – 2024 Carnell. Registered Office: 3125 Century Way, Thorpe Park, Leeds, LS15 8ZB. Registered in England no. 02843581. Carnell Support Services Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Renew Holdings plc. Website by Russ James Design