A50 Lighting Upgrade

Switching to LED Lanterns for energy savings

Carnell worked in collaboration with Kier Highways and CU Phosco to upgrade the lighting on the A50 in the West Midlands.

Over x800 HID luminaires were replaced by P862 256 LED lanterns in neutral white and P863 lanterns to cover the various road lighting classes on the section of the strategic road network.

On such a project, there was a need to prioritise delivery in line with a programme that ensured traffic management costs were minimised.

In total, 11 combinations of lanterns and lenses were required, taking a significant amount of dedication from all parties to deliver a successful working solution.

A sustainable solution

The LED luminaires replaced obselete HID lanterns that were not cost effective in terms of energy consumption. In addition, the LED lanterns replacing them produced a neutral white solution, with an enhanced quality and uniformity of light.

With decarbonisation of the strategic road network in the spotlight and fuel prices soaring to record levels, the energy savings created by the efficient LED lights will help the shift towards ‘net zero highways’ and create a sustainable, cost-effective solution for years to come.

The ongoing energy consumption of the LED solution is estimated to be reduced by 30%.