M42 Post & Rail scheme

Replacement of highways boundary post & rail fence

Overcoming challenges collaboratively

AGC have installed a like-for-like replacement of the highway boundary post & rail fence adjacent to the M42 northbound and southbound between junctions 5 & 6. 

815m of boundary fence has been replaced including stock netting and barbed wire.

The M42 post and rail fencing scheme ran alongside a National Highways major project scheme, upgrading a large section of the M42. With the work areas overlapping, AGC worked collaboratively with the major project team to minimise interactions and ensure works were carried out safely. This often meant working out of sequence to accommodate their programme.

Works were first undertaken in January & February 2024. The weather experienced during the scheme was particularly challenging, compounding the already saturated ground, making it very difficult to install the posts due to the high water levels. In fact, on several occasions the river Blythe burst its banks, rendering some of the site unpassable with vehicles or on foot. It meant parts of the scheme were unworkable during the initial visit, hence the decision to halt works and return in the summer months to complete the scheme. 

excellent Customer Liaison

AGC Project Manager Sean Lomas took the lead on communicating with the landowner during the scheme. He formed a good relationship from the start which worked to our advantage.

Sean was able to discuss several design related queries with the landowner to ensure the installation was to the their standard and he was also able to act as an intermediary between the landowner and National Highways to resolve other queries and challenges that had arisen during the works.

The benefits of early stakeholder engagement have not been lost on National Highways and they are looking to have early discussions with the landowner on future schemes to try and mitigate several issues raised during this one.


  • Supporting National Highways’ Home Safe & Well approach with zero lost-time incidents and zero AFR.
Customer Service
  • Mitigated issues with the landowner and formed a positive relationship going forward.
  • Worked on design related queries with the landowner for most efficient solution.

815m of boundary fencing installed equating to the following approx. quantities:

    • 3,300m of timber rails
    • 500nr timber posts
    • 1,700m of barbed wire (2nr strands)
    • 800m of stock netting