The positive customer stories just keep coming! A couple of weeks ago Carnell supervisors Scott Bloomfield and Graham Cain came across a stranded road user on their way to site, whose car had become stuck while avoiding a lorry on a narrow country lane.
Miles from home and unable to organise recovery of her vehicle, which was beached on the overgrown ditch, Jennie was ‘very grateful to Scott and Graham for their help… they really went above and beyond.’
Jennie called our office and was put in touch with contract manager Adam Sharpe MCIHT
who she e-mailed to express her gratitude: “Scott and Graham stopped to help me and didn’t leave until by some miracle we managed to tow the car out. It took well over an hour to work out how to do it without causing damage to my car. The AA wouldn’t come nor would the police, and for a while it looked like I was going to have to stay late into the evening by myself and wait for a recovery unit to lift the car out. But because Scott and Graham stuck around and were so kind and generous, I was able to get back on my way before 6pm.”
As a token of her appreciation, Jennie followed up by sending some gifts for Scott and Graham (pictured) to our East office, which they were more than happy to accept!